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What ICANN Says...

" 'Now is the time for launching the program,' Pritz said. 'It is the proceed of well-thought-out, thoroughly debated polices that are designed to benefit the billions of Internet users through increased competition, choice and innovation.'

"The new domains will create competition in the domain-name market and will mitigate the market power of the current TLDs, including .com, he said."

Kurt Pritz, Former Senior Vice President, Stakeholder Relations, ICANN

ComputerWorld. Senators, critics question ICANN's generic TLD plan

"ICANN developed the New generic Top-Level Domain Program to increase competition and choice by introducing new gTLDs into the Internet’s addressing system."

ICANN website. New Generic Top-Level Domains. New gTLD Applied-For Strings.

"Our job is to make sure the domain name system is secure and stable, that it has an orderly evolution and that it be fair." The Wired Q&A: ICANN Former President Rod Beckstrom on ‘the Biggest Change in DNS Since Dot-Com’

"ICANN is a non-profit entity with participants from all over the world dedicated to keeping the Internet secure, stable and interoperable. It promotes competition and develops policy on the Internet’s unique identifiers." Rod Beckstrom, Former President and CEO of ICANN, Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers. Excerpt from Bio.

"3. This document affirms key commitments by DOC and ICANN, including commitments to: (a) ensure that decisions made related to the global technical coordination of the DNS are made in the public interest and are accountable and transparent; (b) preserve the security, stability and resiliency of the DNS; (c) promote competition, consumer trust, and consumer choice in the DNS marketplace"

[NOTES: "DOC" refers to the United States Department of Commerce. "DNS" refers to the Domain Name System.]

"9.3 Promoting competition, consumer trust, and consumer choice: ICANN will ensure that as it contemplates expanding the top-level domain space, the various issues that are involved (including competition, consumer protection... and rights protection) will be adequately addressed prior to implementation.

"11. The DOC enters into this Affirmation of Commitments pursuant to its authority under 15 U.S.C. 1512 and 47 U.S.C. 902."

ICANN. Agreements excerpt. Affirmation of Commitments by the United States Department of Commerce (DOC) and the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN).

"In a way we're the stewards and we have to make sure that technical principles and the values that those groups had of leveraging standards, of openness, of equity, continue and I think that's in fact what's led to the success of the network.

"The internet's not been successful because one company or five companies got together and formed a cartel and said this is going to be the standard or a government said this is going to be the standard...

"...So what are some of the overall values that we espouse at ICANN? And one is universality. And universality is to reach the world and to be global... Connectivity, allowing all people to connect... Transparency, open to the entire community... Innovation, to allow all the parties... to create their new technology, their new websites...

"...As everything moves ahead so quickly the stakes keep getting higher...

"...The question we should always be asking is, what's best for the public interest?"

Rod Beckstrom, then CEO and President of ICANN — VIDEO (12:58): OrgForum2

"If and when new gTLDs... have been in operation for one year, ICANN will organize a review that will examine the extent to which the introduction or expansion of gTLDs has promoted competition, consumer trust and consumer choice, as well as effectiveness of (a) the application and evaluation process, and (b) safeguards put in place to mitigate issues involved in the introduction or expansion."

ICANN. Agreements excerpt. (9.3)

"...IDNs will guarantee that all mankind can have a place on the Internet in their native script."

ICANN. Message from the CEO (2009)

Compare this pledge from ICANN with Amazon's application for a closed registry for "online shopping" in Japanese. Amazon's application states that the registry will:

"Enable Amazon to protect its intellectual property rights...

"Amazon will continually update the Domain Management Policy as needed to reflect Amazon's business goals and, where appropriate, ICANN consensus policies...

"All domains in the... registry will remain the property of Amazon."

Amazon IDN retail application (Japanese).

(Apologies for not yet being able to incorporate IDN codes into this website - Ed!)

[All emphases above are by Super Monopolies.]

petition graphic

By the time ICANN conducts its above mentioned review, it will probably be too late to act. What will they do if the inquiry finds that the implementation of new gTLDs has stifled competition, not promoted it? What will they possibly do then, shut down ten million established websites built at massive expense by the world's largest and most influential corporations?





What ICANN Does...

pull quote graphicApplication Excerpts

".STORE will be a single entity registry, with all domains registered to Amazon for use in pursuit of Amazon’s business goals. There will be no re-sellers in .STORE and there will be no market in .STORE domains. Amazon will strictly control the use of .STORE domains."

"The single entity registry status of .SHOP and the fact that it will only be available to internal registrants at Amazon EU S.à r.l. and Amazon EU S.à r.l.’s Affiliates minimizes the potential for abuse in the TLD. There will be no resellers of .SHOP domains and there will be no market in .SHOP domains."

".NEWS will be a single entity registry, with all domains registered to Amazon for use in pursuit of Amazon’s business goals. There will be no re-sellers in .NEWS and there will be no market in .NEWS domains."

".BOOK will be a single entity registry, with all domains registered to Amazon for use in pursuit of Amazon’s business goals. There will be no re-sellers in .BOOK and there will be no market in .BOOK domains."

".APP will be a single entity registry, with all domains registered to Amazon for use in pursuit of Amazon’s business goals. There will be no re-sellers in .APP and there will be no market in .APP domains."

".MOVIE will be a single entity registry, with all domains registered to Amazon for use in pursuit of Amazon’s business goals. There will be no re-sellers in .MOVIE and there will be no market in .MOVIE domains."

".VIDEO will be a single entity registry, with all domains registered to Amazon for use in pursuit of Amazon’s business goals. There will be no re-sellers in .VIDEO and there will be no market in .VIDEO domains."

".MUSIC will be a single entity registry, with all domains registered to Amazon for use in pursuit of Amazon’s business goals. There will be no re-sellers in .MUSIC and there will be no market in .MUSIC domains."

".SONG will be a single entity registry, with all domains registered to Amazon for use in pursuit of Amazon’s business goals. There will be no re-sellers in .SONG and there will be no market in .SONG domains."

".TUNES will be a single entity registry, with all domains registered to Amazon for use in pursuit of Amazon’s business goals. There will be no re-sellers in .TUNES and there will be no market in .TUNES domains."

".GAME will be a single entity registry, with all domains registered to Amazon for use in pursuit of Amazon’s business goals. There will be no re-sellers in .GAME and there will be no market in .GAME domains."

".KIDS will be a single entity registry, with all domains registered to Amazon for use in pursuit of Amazon’s business goals. There will be no re-sellers in .KIDS and there will be no market in .KIDS domains."

"The single entity registry status of .PLAY and the fact that it will only be available to internal registrants at Amazon EU S.à r.l. and Amazon EU S.à r.l.’s Affiliates minimizes the potential for abuse in the TLD. There will be no resellers of .PLAY domains and there will be no market in .PLAY domains."

".MAIL will be a single entity registry, with all domains registered to Amazon for use in pursuit of Amazon’s business goals. There will be no re-sellers in .MAIL and there will be no market in .MAIL domains."

".FREE will be a single entity registry, with all domains registered to Amazon for use in pursuit of Amazon’s business goals. There will be no re-sellers in .FREE and there will be no market in .FREE domains."

".PAY will be a single entity registry, with all domains registered to Amazon for use in pursuit of Amazon’s business goals. There will be no re-sellers in .PAY and there will be no market in .PAY domains."

".SAVE will be a single entity registry, with all domains registered to Amazon for use in pursuit of Amazon’s business goals. There will be no re-sellers in .SAVE and there will be no market in .SAVE domains."

".MOBILE will be a single entity registry, with all domains registered to Amazon for use in pursuit of Amazon’s business goals. There will be no re-sellers in .MOBILE and there will be no market in .MOBILE domains."

".GROUP will be a single entity registry, with all domains registered to Amazon for use in pursuit of Amazon’s business goals. There will be no re-sellers in .GROUP and there will be no market in .GROUP domains."

".CLOUD will be a single entity registry, with all domains registered to Amazon for use in pursuit of Amazon’s business goals. There will be no re-sellers in .CLOUD and there will be no market in .CLOUD domains."

"The single entity registry status of .BUY and the fact that it will only be available to internal registrants at Amazon EU S.à r.l. and Amazon EU S.à r.l.’s Affiliates minimizes the potential for abuse in the TLD. There will be no resellers of .BUY domains and there will be no market in .BUY domains."

".DEAL will be a single entity registry, with all domains registered to Amazon for use in pursuit of Amazon’s business goals. There will be no re-sellers in .DEAL and there will be no market in .DEAL domains."

Just a few actual excerpts from Amazon's applications for 76 new gTLDs. Super Monopolies has only examined 22 of them. You can read the full list on the website.


"The current best thinking involves a business model in which generic... domain names would initially be reserved/allocated to L’Oréal.

"...L’Oréal’s existing business units and select licensees and partners would be allowed to register domain names in the .BEAUTY gTLD."

L’Oréal application for the .beauty registry. (After five years or so, they may consider allowing public registration of .beauty domains to their competitors excluding L’Oréal's first choices). See detailed info on the Beauty string page.


graphic comparing ICANN with .tires applications

"Goodyear plans to operate the proposed .tires gTLD as a restricted, exclusively-controlled TLD and as such will not be commercially offered for registration/use by the general public. Thus, Goodyear will have exclusive ownership and control over all second-level registrations within the TLD and their use."

"...the .tires gTLD registry will be operated in a centralised manner with a restrictive registration policy. Registration of domain names will only be available to BATO (Bridgestone)... ...the proposed new gTLD is not intended to instigate competition and consumer choice at the level of registration of domain names among prospective registrants."

See more details on the Tires string page.


pull quote graphic"Charleston Road Registry (Google — ed.) intends to operate the proposed gTLD as a closed registry with Google as the sole registrar and registrant. The goal of the proposed gTLD is to allow Google to manage the domain name space for its Google Internet search offerings. The proposed gTLD will provide Google with the ability to customize its domain and website names for its search offerings to signal to the general population of Internet users that .search websites are indeed managed by Google. Google intends to make it clear to Internet users that this is the authoritative and designated space where they can find Google Search services offered solely by Google, accessible via differentiated and streamlined web addresses.

"Charleston Road Registry intends to apply for an exception to ICANN’s Registry Operator Code of Conduct and operate the proposed gTLD with Google as the sole registrar and registrant.

"18.b.ii.1. Competition

"Charleston Road Registry supports the advancement of registry operators as a whole and the diffusion of gTLDs amongst diverse stakeholders to generate increased competition for the benefit of the Internet public. Increased competition will result in more competitive prices for consumers, additional efficiencies and increased productivity in enterprises, and spur innovation in the gTLD space.

".search will operate as a closed gTLD. It will provide Google with the opportunity to differentiate and innovate upon its Google Search products and services through its use of the gTLD. This will promote competition in the gTLD space by inciting competitors to respond with improved gTLD operations, greater range and higher quality products and services, and/or the creation of their own respective gTLDs, to the benefit of all Internet users. Launching the proposed gTLD will also generate increased competition in the online marketplace by adding incremental availability to the second level domain pool."

Google application for the .search registry.
SPECIAL NOTE: Charleston Road Registry is wholly owned by Google.

You can read Google's application for the dot SEARCH string at here. Of special interest is "Question 18(b): How do you expect that your proposed gTLD will benefit registrants, Internet users, and others?"


new domain sampleGoogle made 101 applications for new domain strings. That sounds eerily like Room 101 in 1984 — the worst nightmare imaginable. Maybe they should apply for the .doublethink registry too, but then that would make 102. No problem, Google can simply reprint 1984 and change it to Room 102. Then, it will always have been Room 102.

"In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it. It was inevitable that they should make that claim sooner or later: the logic of their position demanded it. Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality, was tacitly denied by their philosophy. The heresy of heresies was common sense. And what was terrifying was not that they would kill you for thinking otherwise, but that they might be right. For, after all, how do we know that two and two make four?"

George Orwell, 1984

You heard it directly from Google. They would have you believe that allowing them to operate an exclusive closed registry for the dot SEARCH string will "promote competition" by "inciting competitors to respond".

Bridgestone seems to be making a similar argument to gain control of the .tires domain extension — arguing that by operating a closed registry, it will "have a flow on effect to enable increased competition" which would benefit internet users by "forcing improved services and competitive pricing in the market place."

Michelin, Pirelli, Toyo and Yokohama must be looking forward in keen anticipation of the benefits of Bridgestone's "flow on effect".

ICANN Claims To Be In Favor Of Competition, Over And Over

Again and again and again, ICANN makes the same claim about its commitment to competition in the internet marketplace. Even on its own website, in its own report about its own advice received from the GAC, preceding its own comment period about said advice:

"One of ICANN's key responsibilities is introducing and promoting competition in the registration of domain names..."

ICANN news report about GAC advice on Beijing Communique, April 2013.

Again and again and again, ICANN's actions, or rather inactions, paint a very different picture to its repeated claims that it supports competition. Compare this latest ICANN claim with the reality of The Weather Channel's application for a closed gTLD on .weather, where they plan to operate up to 100,000 privately owned websites in exclusivity:

"As a restricted gTLD, registration will only be open to internal users (affiliate entities) at this stage and no unaffiliated third parties will be able to register domain names under .weather domain space."

The Weather Channel

There you have the facts as they stand. Rather than mandating "promoting competition", the entire .weather string may be granted to just a single registrant. How on earth would that comply with ICANN's "key responsibilities"?

(A brief analysis of the .weather string is presented on the Misc strings 1 page.)


"The closed generics are likely the exact opposite of what ICANN was hoping for with this new program."

Steve Machin of — commenter on "Big Brands Trying To Corner Generic Namespaces?"

"The current proposal is contrary to ICANN's intention with the launch of new gTLDs, namely to broaden the domain name space and to spur competition for the benefit of all."

Martin Broden. Inter IKEA Systems B.V.
ICANN Forum on Closed Registries

[All emphases above are by Super Monopolies.]

The case rests. No further comment on this page about the proposed closed gTLDs by Super Monopolies.



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au time logo — A hypothetical analysis of the new top level domain names — coming in 2013-14.



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